MAWP is a stack-based, esoteric programming language written in 2020. Here is the list of current availible commands:
Symbol |
Meaning |
M |
Takes top two values of the stack and sums them. |
A |
Takes top two values of the stack and returns the absolute difference. |
W |
Takes top two values of the stack and multiplies them. |
P |
Takes top two values of the stack and floor divides the second by the other. |
% |
Pops top of stack. |
! |
Duplicates top of stack. |
: |
Prints top of stack without newline, removing it. |
; |
Prints top of stack as ascii char without newline, removing it. |
. |
Terminates program |
[ |
Start of loop. jumps to its ] if top of stack equals to 0 |
] |
End of loop. If top of stack doesn't equal to 0, then moves back to start of loop. |
( |
Start of inverted [] loop. Jumps to its ) if top of stack doesn't equal to 0 |
) |
End of inverted [] loop. Jumps to its ( if top of stack equals to 0 |
< |
Long conditional. If top of stack doesn't equal to 0, jumps to its > |
> |
End of long conditional |
_ |
Pushes length of stack |
? |
Short conditional. If top of stack doesn't equal to 0, skips next operator. |
| |
Pushes whole input byte by byte by its ASCII value |
~ |
Reverses the stack |
{ |
Long inverted conditional. If top of stack equals to 0, jumps to its } |
} |
End of long inverted conditional |
@ |
Pushes whole input byte by byte. If character is an integer, then push that integer. Else push a 0 |
/ |
Cycles stack clockwise |
\ |
Cycles stack anticlockwise |